What is antifreeze protein? Sakae Tsuda



FIC phenomenon


(7/12) The above illustrations show the water freezing process in the absence of AFP. When the red-colored water (left) is placed in a general freezer, the vessel and water front are initially cooled. Hence, the water freezing progresses from outside to inside. Numerous tiny single ice crystals are generated at the moment of water freezing, which are growing and assembled together (page 2). The white grains in the above figures represent the single ice crystals, which adsorb sorrounding water molecules to become a larger size. Such process of the ice block formation excludes the ink particles from the ice phase, as the inks cannot join the latticed waters of a single ice crystal (page 3). The excluded inks are concentrated in the unfrozen center portion in this case, whose size becomes smaller concomitantly to the progression of the water freezing. (->next) (->page1) (->home)