Name : Sakae Tsuda, Ph.D. YOB : 1962
Affiliation : Faculty of Advanced Life Science,Hokkaido University (HU), JAPAN.
Titles : Academic researcher (Full-time)
Address : Room2-7-06, Rigakubu-2-goukan, N10 W8 Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN.
Contact : Tel: +81-11-706-2771, E-mail:

Updated on: 27-JAN-2025

Current Research Topics :

Antifreeze protein - from structural basis to technological applications - : Antifreeze protein (AFP) initially isolated from the blood serum of Antarctic fish by Art DeVries in 1969 is an extraordinary bio-molecule that specifically binds to ice and cell. We have been examined the structure-function relationship of various AFPs by employing advanced techniques from molecular biology to structural biology (NMR and X-ray), and also have been trying to develop a method to obtain a massive amount of natural and recombinant AFPs to realize their practical use. Our AFPs were mostly discovered from Japanese organisms, especially the edible fishes available in general food markets. Currently, several AFP-utilizing technologies are under development so as to apply them in industrial and medical fields (AIST selected grant for Technology Innovation, 2008~).

Education and Research Background :

1992 Ph.D. of Science (supervised by Prof. Hikichi, K), HU, JAPAN. "Developments of two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) NMR pulse sequences and their applications for the structure-function analysis of a protein, rabbit skeletal muscle troponin C".

1987 M.Sc. (Polymer Science course), Faculty of Science, HU, JAPAN. "1H-NMR study of rabbit skeletal muscle troponin C in the apo- and Ca2+-bound states".

1985 B.Sc. (Polymer Science course), Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University (HU), JAPAN. "Molecular dynamics analysis of poly L-Ornithine and poly L-Arginine by employing NMR relaxation experiments".

Employment and Research Experience :

2024- Academic researcher, Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University, JAPAN. "Structural analysis of new materials with using Solid-state NMR spectroscopy".

2022- Specially appointed researcher, Graduate school of frontier sciences, UTokyo, JAPAN. "Exploration of a new material for cryotechnology".

2012 Chief senior researcher, Bioproduction Research Institute, AIST, JAPAN. "Antifreeze protein, Low-temperature biotechnology, Cell-preservation mechanism".

2003- Professor of Faculty of Life Science, HU.

2001 Group Leader, Functional Protein Research Group, Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), JAPAN. *re-organized from HNIRI. "Antifreeze protein, Low-temperature biotechnology, Cell-preservation mechanism".

1995 Senior Researcher, Hokkaido Natl. Indust. Res. Institute (HNIRI), MITI, JAPAN. "Low-temperature biochemistry, Functional protein analysis with NMR and X-ray".

1994 NMR Technical adviser, JEOL, Co.Ltd., JAPAN. "Development of macro-programs to Fourier Transform JEOL 2D- and 3D-NMR data of a biomolecule for its structural determination".

1993 Postdoctoral fellow in University of Alberta (Brian Sykes Lab.), CANADA. "Analysis of 1H/13C/15N heteronuclear 3D-NMR spectra for structural elucidation of a protein".

1988 Teaching profession of High-Resolution NMR Lab., HU, JAPAN. "Developments of multi-dimensional NMR pulse sequence".

Academic Honors:
2020   "Society Award" for excellence of works regarding Functional Analysis and Application of Antifreeze Protein from Japanese Society for Cryobiology and Cryotechnology (JSCC), JAPAN
"John Baldo Award" for excellence for work regarding apo- and Ca2+-bound troponin C from University of Alberta, CANADA

Academic Society :
2009~   Commissioner of Japanese society of cryobiology and cryotechnology
2008~   Member of Japanese society of Protein Chemistry
2000~   Member of American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Professional Committees :
2011~   Member of Organizing Committee, International Ice-Binding Protein (IBP) Conference
2010   Member of Organizing Committee, 12th Int. Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice
2010   Member of Organizing Committee, 10th Protein Science Society of Japan Annual meeting
2009   Member of Organizing Committee, 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology

Course Teachings (Hokkaido University) :
2012-   Course seminar
2008-   Quantum Mechanics, NMR, Biological polymer science
2007   Basics of Quantum Mechanics
2005-2006   Quantum Mechanics for Biomolecular NMR
2004   Biological polymer science
2003~2004   General biological science

Graduate Students (Hokkaido University) : Click here to see the pictures!
2021.9 Akari Yamauchi Structure-function relationship of IBPs from cold-adapted organisms
2021 Mofiz Uddin Khan Molecular basis of ice-binding mechanism of microbial antifreeze proteins
2020 Akira Watanabe Structural and functional analysis of type I AFP from Barfin Plaice
2020 Masaki Kaneko Cell proptection ability of antifreeze protein derived from fish
2020 Yoshihide Miyakawa Structural and functional analysis of type I AFP from Frog Sculpin
2019 Tatsuya Arai Structural and functional characterization of fungal ice-binding proteins
2019 Anika T. Rahman Analysis of ice recrystallization inhibition activity for different AFPs
2019 Daichi Fukami Characterization of antifreeze proteins from various organisms
2018 Niki Ohgiya Structure and function of a new synthetic DNA
2018 Doura Ou Structure and function of a new synthetic DNA
2017 Sheikh Mahatabuddin Functional analysis of a supersoluble fish antifreeze protein
2017 Jing Cheng Structural basis for the binding of AFPs from a snow mold fungus to ice
2017 Y. Osanai Characterization of lithostathine
2017 M. Takeyama Analysis of membrane-binding ability of antifreeze protein
2017 Maho Nara Characterization of lithostathine
2016 Moeko Nagata NMR study of fungal antifreeze proteins in solution
2014 Yuichi Hanada Structure and function of beta-helical AFPs from cold-adapted organisms
2014 Kazunari Ishihara Biochemical characterization of a new type I antifreeze protein
2014 Seiya Togashi Characterization of lithostathine
2013 Maya Tamura Characterization of a defective isoform of type III antifreeze protein
2012 Takuya Yamanouchi Development of a new device to analyze FCI activity of AFPs
2012 Xiao Nang Antifreeze Proteins from Antarctic Ascomycetes and Cold Adapted Diatom
2012 Haruhiko Seki Characterization of a new fungal antifreeze protein
2010 Kazuhisa Iwasaki Development of a freeze-tolerant gel by utilizing AFP
2010 Ayumi Warashina Analysis of hypothermic cell preservation effect of type III AFP
2010 Sei-ichi Fujiu  
2009 Manabu Takamichi Analysis of ice growth inihibition of type III antifreeze protein isoforms
2008 Keita Suzuki Characterization of a new fungal antifreeze protein
2008 Masanori Yasui Characterization of Ca2+-dependent type II antifreeze protein
2007 Takayuki Yoshida Characterization of Ca2+-independent type II antifreeze protein
2003 Y. Kobashigawa AF activity observation of a part of Ice-nucleation protein
2003 Hiroyuki Kumeta Low-Temp-Induced Changes in Human Lysozyme elucidated by solution NMR
2002 Tetsuya Suetake Structure-Function Studies on a Chitin-Binding Protein Tachycitin
2000 Kazunori Miura NMR Study of Intramolecular Dimer Antifreeze Protein RD3
  *Doctor theses are shown in blue.