Thermal hysteresis measurement Sakae Tsuda


Growth halted

Growth halted

Bursting growth @ Tf

(3/4) When a single ice crystal is secured, it is ready to start TH measurement. We need to monitor this ice crystal in the minus temperature gradient, where the cooling rate should be set to approx. 0.1 degC/min [1, 2]. The cooling rate, the number and size of the ice crystal, and an annealing time before applying the minus temp gradient affects the Tf value [3]. Please watch the movie 3 showing how the single ice cyrstal undergoes bursting growth [4, 5], from which we could determine the Tf value. In this experiment, the Tm and Tf values are -0.41 and -3.61 degC., respectively, and that 3.20 degC is evaluated as the TH (= Tm - Tf) for this insect AFP sample at the concentration 10 mg/mL. (-> next) (->home)