Thermal hysteresis measurement Sakae Tsuda




0.1 mM Lysozyme

(4/4) As you noticed in the movie 3, the ice crystal changes into a lemon-like shape [1, 2] in the TH temperature range between Tm and Tf. This is due to the binding of insect AFP to multiple planes of a single ice crystal [3]. In the case of fish AF(G)P, the crystal changes into a hexagonal bipyramid (left) or a hexagonal trapezoderon (middle) because of its binding to prism and/or pyramidal planes [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Please watch the movie 4 recording a crystal bursting by fish type III AFP, which exhibits a difference from the case of insect AFP. Note that if there is no antifreeze substance, the ice crystal forms a disk-like shape (right), which expands or shrinks by only a faint temp change from Tf (=Tm) (movie 4), implying that there is no TH activity [11]. (->home)